Completing the grid

Through knitting, I explore the concept of the Flow state°, emphasizing its role in enhancing overall well- being, productivity, and mental clarity. Visually, this project illustrates my personal journey with knitting and the experience of being in the Flow state, highligh- ting the value of regular practice.

In this project, I implement tools to improve my knit- ting experience and facilitate my entry into this state of Flow. For example, I apply a blue pigment to my hands to prevent myself from engaging in other activities. The use of a simple knitting pattern and a row coun- ter allows me to focus on knitting rather than worrying about counting stitches.

°Flow : The flow state is a mental state where a person is fully immersed in an activity, focused and completely absorbed, losing track of time and self-awareness.

During DDW 2023, I had the opportunity to exhibit at the Graduation Show of the Design Academy of Eindho- ven, where my project was interpreted and used by the public for the first time.

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